Okay this is actually called Fabulous French Bread.
My hubby loves it and my kids do to so it is perfect for any pasta dish or great for French bread pizza or really anything.
Here is the Recipe.
2 pakages dry yeast
1/2 cup warm water
2 cups HOT water
3 tablespons sugar
1 tablespoon salt
5 tablespoons shortening, melted butter, or vegtable oil.
6 cups flour
1 egg white
sesame seeds
Dissolve yeast in 1/2 cup warm water. Let stand 10 minutes. In large bowl combine 2 cups hot water, sugar, salt, shortening, and half the flour. beat well.stir in dissolved yeast. stir in remaining four and stir well. The recipe has you stir and then rest for 10 minutes repeated 4 times (I don't do this). Turn dough on floured surface. Divide dough in half. Roll each loaf into 9X12" rectangle and then starting at one of the longer ends roll it up loosely. Seal Edge. Place seams side down on baking sheet. Gash top of each loaf diagonally 3 times with a sharp knife. Brush top with beaten egg white. sprinkle with sesame seeds (i don't use sesame seeds) Let rise for 30 Minutes. Bake at 400 for 35 minutes.
This is what mine looks like before rising.

Here is the yummy golden French Bread.

It almost just melts in your mouth.
And for me it is easier to make this then load all my kids up and run to the grocery store for some last minute french bread.

I have made it with half wheat flour half white and it is still yummy and I don't feel so guilty eating a few slices.